It’s your time to shine.

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Does this sound

like you?

  • I feel like the universe is tapping me on the shoulder, calling for me to wake up to my purpose, and I’m frustrated because I don’t know what this so-called purpose is!

  • I’ve been climbing life’s ladder. Achieving one thing after the next, only to feel dissatisfied when I get that next best thing.

  • I have a big vision, but no clue how to execute.

  • I hear a voice in my head telling me I’m not ______________ enough to achieve my dreams. (insert all the crushing banter above)


I get it.

For most of my post-college life, I felt this deep sense of longing for a more purposeful life.

People told me to “follow my passion” and this seemed akin to being told to go climb Mt. Everest. Huge and unachievable.

It’s time to SPARKLE.

I discovered the key to living a meaningful life is much simpler than I anticipated.

It’s all about:


Having the COURAGE to play

Showing yourself COMPASSION on the journey

Caitlin’s coaching helped me to see value in positive manifestations. Her class guided me towards the realization of what I really want to do with my life, and taught me that when you put your energy toward what you love, things begin to fall into place! I’ve applied this to my design career and it’s helped me immensely."

—Susie M.

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.