How this curious adventure started


A number of years ago, I found myself plagued by the thought that life was passing me by. I had this persistent feeling I wasn’t living in alignment with my purpose, but what that purpose was, I had no clue.

At some point, I came across a recommendation to read Martha Beck’s Finding Your Own North Star. After many years of missing the memo, I finally learned the universe provides us with messages to help us navigate life. We just need to pay attention and follow the signs. This time, I did. I bought Martha Beck’s book and it transformed my view of what was possible for the future.

I explored my curiosity and followed the energy of what felt good. Here’s what I learned:

  • I love learning about what makes us (humans) tick. I could spend all day reading books and listening to podcasts on the human experience (hello, Brene Brown and Oprah!)

  • A little lizard lives inside my head. He’s the voice of doubt – screeching at me that I’m not good enough, smart enough, creative enough… whatever enough. I’ve learned to quiet him down with curiosity and compassion.

  • I believe we all have a sparkle of magic inside us. We just need a little courage to find it.

As I got curious and explored who I am and what lights me up, it became clear I want to help other people find their own magic. I decided to enroll in Martha Beck’s Life Coach training program and the idea for The School of Sparkle was born.

It is my mission to help people connect with their unique purpose and live it daily.

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