Follow your curiosity

Are you feeling lost and unsure about what to do with your life?

You’ve heard: “Follow your passion.” “Find your purpose.”


What the hell am I supposed to do with that?

At 28, when I started my quest to “find my purpose,” I was passionate about The Boston Beer Garden and Phish’s return to the stage after a looooooooong hiatus.

Sure, I was excited about cocktails in South Boston with my two besties (our friend’s boyfriend infamously dubbed us the “Triplets of Trouble”). 

And Phish getting back together was a dream come true. 

But these things weren’t my “purpose” and I knew that. 

I spent years running around the hamster wheel waiting for a lightning bolt of passion-purpose to strike. 

I often felt like a loser because I couldn’t seem to figure it out.

Looking back now, I wish someone told me “follow your curiosity” instead. 

Years later, this advice did make its way to me in the form of Elizabeth Gilbert’s SuperSoul Sessions Talk The Advice Elizabeth Gilbert Won't Give Anymore

I had this total A-HA moment. 



There’s SO much that I’m curious about. 

I’m curious about figuring out what to do with my life. 

I’m curious about what makes us - people here on earth - tick.   

I’m curious about how I can have fun AND love my career. 

And on and on. 

What are you curious about? Take a few minutes today to make a list. 

Having a hard time? 

  • What are your favorite books? Podcasts? TV/Movies? 

  • Check your Google search history

  • Get on Pinterest and create a “Curiosity” board. Fill it with anything that makes you say “oooooh” 

  • Ask a partner/friend/colleague about the topics that get you going 

Do any themes appear? 

For me, following my curiosity led me to realize that I want to inspire other people to follow their curiosity. 

Talk about full circle.  

Pick something on your list that excites you and go get curious. 

Just see where it leads. 

This isn’t about figuring it all out today.  

It’s simply about allowing yourself the space to explore and play. 

What’s something you’re going to get curious about this week? Leave a comment below and let me know! 


Live your purpose.


Am I living fully?