What is The School of Sparkle?

The School of Sparkle came about when I was feeling lost and confused about what to do with my life. 

I was working in corporate America. 

I had the job I spent years craving. 

I had awesome co-workers and a kind boss. 

I had a solid paycheck and great benefits.  

I should have felt lucky. 

And yet.  

I woke up feeling angst every day.   

“There’s got to be something more than this…” rang through my head on repeat. 

I struggled for years to put the puzzle pieces together.  

To connect to my “purpose”.   

The P word can be scary. 

We often think it’s something “out there” that we need to track down. 

What I’ve learned over time is there isn’t some magical purpose destination at the end of the rainbow.  

You can discover what lights you up. 

You can nurture your unique gifts.

You can bring more purpose into your life today. 

This is the soul journey I embarked on.

I’ve taken my learnings from life coach training and reading and listening to seemingly alllllll the podcasts and put it all together to create The School of Sparkle.  

The School of Sparkle is a 1 on 1 life coaching program designed with a simple 3 step framework: 

  • Follow your CURIOSITY

  • Have the COURAGE to play 

  • Show yourself COMPASSION  

Following this simple formula, you can build a more purposeful life. 


Can you show yourself a little love?