Can you show yourself a little love?

It’s Valentine’s Day and I hope you’re showing yourself a little love today.  

For me, it’s been all about acceptance and self-compassion.  

On Friday, we got the dreaded call that our two year old was exposed to Covid-19 at preschool.

Now he’s home from school for 10 days.  

Yes, I’m grateful for our health - our tests all came back negative..   

And I recognize our situation pales in comparison to the struggles many have endured during this pandemic.  

But it still feels UGH. 

We are approximately 765 days into this pandemic (but who’s counting?!) and I realllllllllly want to get off the Corona Coaster. 

Like so many of us, I’m just done with it.  

But it’s not done. 

I look out the window and see gray skies and sideways rain. 

My two-year-old wants to listen to the Blippi Garbage Truck Song on repeat.

I can’t seem to get anything done. 

So what do you do when your internal landscape matches the heavy gloom outside your window? 

Ask yourself. “What do I need?”  

Maybe it’s a hug.

Maybe it’s a walk. 

Maybe it’s a nap. 

Maybe it’s acceptance.    

This is where you are.  

You can’t will Covid-19 out of existence.   

You can’t stop the rain.   

You can’t change a two-year old’s mind about this Blippi song being the Best.Thing. Ever. (Though if you have any tips, please let me know!) 

Can you accept this is where you’re at and show yourself a little love?  

Put your hands over your heart and repeat:    

This is hard. 

This is part of being human.

I’m going to be okay.  




How do you show compassion for yourself when you’re in the difficult seasons of life? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!  


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