What are your gifts?

I recently decided to revisit a book I read a long time ago called The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope.

The book is a guide for anyone who wants to recognize and cultivate their dharma - essentially your soul’s calling (that’s realllllllllly simplifying it, but this isn’t meant to be a book report).

As I turned to page 42, I found a fortune cookie message tucked neatly into the crease of the book. It read:

“Don’t underestimate yourself. Your social skills are needed by others at this time.”

I needed this message today.

Perhaps you need this message too.

When you’re feeling lost and confused about what to do with your life, it can be easy to forget that you have unique skills and gifts.

What can you offer the world?

That’s a big question.

The truth is, if your unique skills and gifts can help even just one person, they are worth pursuing.

But what are your unique gifts?

For many of us, it can be difficult to identify them.

These gifts often come so naturally to us, we tend to overlook them.

If you’re struggling to identify your unique gifts, I recommend phoning a friend (family members, co-workers… really anyone you trust to provide honest input will do).

Let them know you’re doing a little soul searching and hoping they can help you identify some of your unique gifts.

Here are some questions to consider:

When you think of me, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

What are my biggest talents?

What do I do better than anyone else you know?

Once you’ve collected all “the data,” get curious about any themes that arise.

Ask yourself, is there something here that might be worth pursuing?

If you need help putting the puzzle pieces together, I’d love to chat! Send me a message or leave a comment below.


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