When things feel out of control

Lately I’ve been really conflicted about how to move forward in this crazy world. 

Wooosh…. things seem heavy right now. 

So much feels out of control. 

The situation in Ukraine has left me feeling utterly helpless.

You might have a similar feeling.

When we think about what is wrong in the world, we often want to fix the “big” stuff.

But the sad truth is none of us are single-handedly going to stop Putin.

So what can you do?

There are the obvious things that can be done - like donating money to reputable sources.

But what if it still feels like you need to do more?

My stance on this might be a bit controversial because it actually doesn’t involve Ukraine at all.

I’m wondering how it might help to prioritize your own mental health when things feel hard?

This idea came to me after reading this quote in an email from The Daily Stoic.

“We should get our own house in order first, before we try to tackle other people’s problems.”

It’s that old adage of putting your oxygen mask on first.

We cannot change the world if we aren’t caring for ourselves.

It starts with you and ripples outward.

So ask yourself, what can I do to take care of myself today?

Maybe you need a walk in nature.

Or a dance session.

Or some time to journal.

For me, I’ve been looking for daily delights.

Amidst all this madness, I’m taking note of the little things that are still good.

A walk outside in my snuggly sparkle coat.

A man in the grocery store belting out Tiny Dancer (I can’t help but join in).

My 2 year old’s squeal.

The story of a young girl in Ukraine singing ‘Let it Go’ from inside a bunker (and the news that she made it safely to Poland). I saw this on @tanksgoodnews - it’s well worth the follow for inspirational stories.

It might seem crazy to look for delights right now.

But I don’t think it is.

These small moments remind me that there is still joy in the world.

And when I am filled with joy, I feel well.

And when I feel well, I am more able to offer assistance to those in need.

So ask yourself, what can I do to feel well today? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.


Am I living fully?


What are your gifts?